
TekMonitor Properties Window | TekManager

TOPICS: Products and Software Information, TekManager


Selecting a TekMonitor in the Holding Area or Project windows of TekManager will display its information in the Properties window

Asset Information

Contains asset information for the devices connected to the TekMonitor

  • TekMonitor Asset Number: Pre-programmed by TEKVOX as the TekMonitor serial number (e.g. TCA0007)
    Can be changed to conform to any campus or company asset numbering system
  • Device #1
    • Device Manufacturer: Manufacturer of Device #1 (e.g. TEKVOX)
    • Device Model Number: Model Number of Device #1 (e.g. 1201-N+)
    • Device Serial Number: Serial Number of Device #1 (e.g. 1234567)
    • Device Asset Number: Asset Number of Device #1 (e.g. TVX-1a)
      Can be changed to conform to any campus of company asset numbering system
  • Device #2
    • Device 2 Manufacturer: Manufacturer of Device #2
    • Device 2 Model Number: Model Number of Device #2
    • Device 2 Serial Number: Serial Number of Device #2
    • Device 2 Asset Number: Asset Number of Device #2
      Can be changed to conform to any campus of company asset numbering system
  • Purchase Date: Pre-programmed by TEKVOX; DO NOT CHANGE
  • Installer: Name of company responsible for installing the TekMonitor and associated equipment
  • Installation Date: Set by the installation team when the equipment is installed
  • Warranty Date: Pre-programmed by TEKVOX; DO NOT CHANGE

Email Messages

Up to 15 (10 Normal, 5 Security) short email messages that the TekMonitor can send if needed. Messages can be changed as applicable.

  • Normal Messages
    • Generally sent to the system administrator or IT department
    • Sent for support requests, problem reporting, or any other non-security–related issues
  • Security Messages
    • Tied to TEKVOX’s TekSecurity anti-theft feature
    • Sent to campus/building security when a device is unexpectedly disconnected


The properties determine how a TekMonitor appears in the Project window. TekMonitors are organized by Location, then Building, then Group, then Room.

  • Location: Usually set as the campus or company where the TekMonitor is installed
  • Building: The name of the building the TekMonitor is installed in
  • Group: Type of system in which the TekMonitor is being used (e.g. Classroom, Conference Room, Training Room, etc.)
  • Room: Room number of where the TekMonitor is installed

Host Settings

This section contains various email and error reporting settings, which determine when and how the TekMonitor communicates errors and security alerts.

  • SMTP Server: Server that the TekMonitor uses to send and receive emails. For email reporting to work, the TekMonitor must have a valid email server.
  • SMTP Outgoing Port: Port the TekMonitor will use to communicate to the email server
  • User Name: Username for logging in to the SMTP email server
  • Password: Password for logging in to the SMTP email server
  • From: The email address that email reports will be sent from. This address should clearly indicate that the email is being sent by a TekMonitor.
  • To (Normal): Email address where Normal Messages are sent (see Email Messages)
  • To (Security): Email address where Security Messages are sent (see Email Messages)
  • Enable Usage Report: When this option is enabled, the TekMonitor will generate monthly usage reports and send them to the Normal email address
  • Enable Error Messages: When this option is enabled, the TekMonitor will send error messages to the Normal email address whenever it encounters an error. These messages include:
    • Room Name
    • TekMonitor Serial Number
    • A description of the error
  • Enable Security: This setting determines whether the TekSecurity anti-theft system is on or off. In general, this setting should be enabled, but should be turned off when replacing the projector or display to avoid false security reports.
  • Enable System Off Timer: Pre-programmed by TEKVOX; DO NOT CHANGE
  • Enable Motion Off Timer: Pre-programmed by TEKVOX; DO NOT CHANGE
  • UTC Offset: Time zone offset for where the TekMonitor is installed
  • Adjust for Daylight Savings: When this option is enabled, the TekMonitor will automatically adjust its internal time to account for Daylight Savings
  • Device Locked: When this option is enabled, the TekMonitor is locked. This allows the TekMonitor’s configuration to be checked before it becomes active; this is generally used for provisional systems and spares so that programming can be verified after installation. In general, this option should be set to “False”.

Macro Events

These macros are called in response to specific system events. The number on the right indicates which Macro is assigned to each event (e.g. the “Start” macro might be assigned as Macro #6).

  • Start: Runs whenever the TekMonitor is powered on, restarted, or loaded with a new template
  • Time Out: Runs whenever the System Off timer goes off
  • Motion Time Out: Runs when the Motion timer goes off
  • TekControl Connect: Legacy feature; should be set to “0”
  • TekControl Disconnect: Legacy feature; should be set to “0”
  • Device On: Runs when the device connected to Serial Port #1 (TekSecurity for a TEK3) powers on
  • Device Off: Runs when the device connected to Serial Port #1 powers off
  • Device 2 On: Runs when the device connected to Serial Port #2 (COM for a TEK3) powers on
  • Device 2 Off: Runs when the device connected to Serial Port #2 powers off
  • Device 3 On: Runs when the device connected to Serial Port #3 (TekBus for a TEK3) powers on
  • Device 3 Off: Runs when the device connected to Serial Port #3 powers off


List of all the macros that can be run by the TekMonitor

Macros can be edited and renamed (for more information, see TekWizard – Macro Editing)

Network Settings

Use extreme caution when changing a TekMonitor’s network settings. If a TekMonitor’s IP address is set to the same address as any other device on the network, the TekMonitor will no longer be remotely accessible, and will need to be re-programmed in person to restore connection.

  • DHCP Enabled: When this option is set to “True”, network information is assigned automatically by the router. When set to “False”, network information is assigned manually using the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway fields (commonly referred to as “static IP”).
  • IP Address: Numerical address for identifying a device on a network
  • MAC Address: Unique ID used by the network router to identify a device
  • Subnet Mask: Used to distinguish between the network address and the host address in an IP address
  • Default Gateway: Exit path for network packets that have destinations outside of the TekMonitor’s network
  • DNS From DHCP Enabled: Then this option is set to “True”, the TekMonitor will be assigned a domain name automatically by the DHCP server.
  • Primary DNS: Main Domain Name Server (DNS) that the TekMonitor uses
  • Secondary DNS: Auxiliary DNS that, if applicable, serves as a backup in case the Primary DNS is unavailable
  • Pass Code: Identical to the passcode used when searching for the TekMonitor on a network
  • Timeout: How long the TekMonitor will wait for a response from the network before cancelling the operation; do not change.


Schedules are used to run specific macros at specified times on certain days of the week (e.g. running the “System Off” macro every day at 11PM to ensure that energy-intensive displays are not left on overnight). Schedules can be used with any macro that has been set up, but System Off is the most common.

To modify a Schedule event, click the three dots to the right of its name.

TekMonitor Information

  • Monitor Name: Label used to represent a TekMonitor when it appears in the Project or Holding Area windows
  • Serial Number: Serial number of the TekMonitor (cannot be changed)
  • Software Version: Firmware version loaded into the TekMonitor; useful for checking whether a TekMonitor’s firmware is out-of-date and needs to be updated
  • Primary Driver: Driver loaded for RS232 control of the device connected to Serial Port #1 (TekSecurity for a TEK3)
  • Second Driver: Driver loaded for RS232 control of the device connected to Serial Port #2 (COM for a TEK3)
  • Third Driver: Driver Loaded for RS232 control of the device connected to Serial Port #3 (TekBus for a TekMonitor)
  • Last Polled: Most recent date and time when TekManager was able to poll the TekMonitor for information over the network; useful for troubleshooting TekMonitors that are offline